
Farideh Ramezani Moghadam




·        PhD. in Health Psychology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran– 2014 – 2020

University of Tehran is the most high-ranked university in Iran.

Thesis: Comparison of the effectiveness of health literacy therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy for the improvement of biological and psychological markers of patients with type 2 diabetes.


·        MSc. in Clinical Psychology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran– 2011 – 2014

Thesis: The moderating role of early maladaptive schema in the relationship between Behavioral Approach System (BAS) and Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) and neuroticism and extraversion with opiate craving.


·        B.A. in Clinical Psychology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran– 2007 – 2011

·        Diploma in Human Science, Shamsaddin High School, Aran Bidgol, Iran – 2003 – 2007


Research positions


·        Research Assistant: University of Tehran, 2016-2019, Supervisor: Prof. Rostami

·        Teaching Assistant: University of Tehran, 2014-2016, Supervisor: Dr. Hatami

·        Research Assistant: University of Tehran, 2012-2014, Supervisor: Prof. Besharat


Selective Work Experiences


·        Clinical psychotherapist (online) in the treatment Iranian migrants, 2019- present

·        Clinical psychotherapist in the treatment Afghan and Iraqi patients and immigrants, Dr Kardan clinic, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Science, University of Tehran. Supervisor: Prof. Rostami, 2015-2018.

·        Health Psychologist Intern, Tehran Heart Center, Supervisor: Dr Dehghani, 2017-2018

·        Health Psychologist Intern, Sina Hospital Obesity Center, Supervisor: Dr Dehghani, 2017-2018

·        Clinical psychologist, Atieh Clinical Neuroscience Center, Supervisor: Prof. Rostami, 2014-2019

·        Clinical psychologist, Tehran University Counseling Center, 2017-2018

·        Clinical psychologist, International Boomrang kindergarten, 2017-2019

·        Clinical psychologist, Tehran Addiction Treatment Center, 2012-2014

Publications & Articles

Farideh Ramezani Moghadam Arani, Mohammad Ali Besharat, Mohammad Ahmadvand, “The modulating role of early maladaptive schemas in the relationship of Brain Activation and Inhibition Systems with opioid craving”, Neuropsychology, Vol 7, Issue 2, 2021.

Farideh Ramezani moghadam Arani, Reza rostami, Abbas Abbas Rahiminezhad, Hojjat allah Farahani, Effectiveness of Health Literacy Group Therapy on Improvement of Glycated Hemoglobin and Self-Activities in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes”, QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY, Vol 9, Issue 135, 2020.

Mahsa Haeri, Mohammad Ali Besharat, Mohammad Ahmadvand Shahverdi, Farideh Ramezani Moghadam Arani, “Comparison of Impulsiveness, Ego strength, Alexithymia and Perceived Social Support in Addicts Who Continue Treatment and Those Who Quit”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 2021. Full acceptance

Mohammad Ahmadvand Shahverdi, Farideh Ramezani Moghadam Arani, “Comparison of Object Relations and Integrative Self-knowledge components in cohabitation and official marriage, Developmental Psychology: Iranian Psychologists, 2022. Full acceptance

Honors & AWARDS


·        Ranked 16th in the nationwide graduate school entrance exam in psychology among more than 10,000 participants(Ph.D.), spring 2014.

·        Ranked 56th in the nationwide graduate school entrance exam in psychology among more than 30,000 participants (MSc.), spring 2011.

·        Ranked 7th in the nationwide universities entrance exam for BA. Degree among more than 600,000 participants, summer 2007.


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